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« Home | Low Fat Diet Debunked? » | Fast Food Cereal Restaurants » | Weight Loss Timing Is Everything » | McDonald's Global Decline: Too Uncool? » | French researchers attempt to resolve questions ab... » | The Diet Potato » | The Mediterranean Diet - What Is It? » | Fart-Free Beans » | Does Someone You Care About Have Anorexia? » | Low-fat Consumption and The Risk of CVD in Postmen... » 

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

Weight Loss Timing Is Everything

Weight Loss Timing Is Everything
Weight Loss Timing Is Everything - Part 1 When you're on the road to life-long fitness, the two most critical variables to control are exercise and nutrition. Some fitness experts argue that true fitness is 50% regular exercise and 50%...

Low Fat Food Not No Fat Food
If you're "fat" and don't eat low fat food in public, do you get comments from others? Eating fat has become such an emotive thing to the point that when an overweight person eats a burger in public, fingers are...

The Diet Potato
A new variety of potato has 33% less calories than other potatoes. The Vivaldi spud was bred over a period of 9 years - in order to improve taste. It turns out that the potato has less carbohydrate while still retaining a similar nutrient profile to other varieties. While the industry standard is a carbohydrate value of 17.2g per 100g,...

McDonald's Global Decline: Too Uncool?
Over the last year I have watched as two local McDonald's outlets have closed - no reason given. I was waiting for big refurbished McDonald's to appear - but they didn't. In my area, there are now an equal number of Subway and McDonald's outlets. This anecdotal evidence is hardly an indication of global decline. McDonald's revenue is as healthy...

What is EDNOS? It is an acronym for an "Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified". To be honest, chronic dieting can sit squarely within that definition. Constance Rhodes, author of Life Inside the Thin Cage, describes EDNOS in some depth....

3 Apple a Day Diet - Does it Work?

Fart-Free Beans
Do you eat beans? Not many people do. They are a good vegetarian protein source, and loaded with fiber and many other nutrients - but what about the flatulence factor? The new "Prim Bean" grown in the UK promises less gas - apparently due to less tannins in the seed coat. Phaseolus' Sandra Hopper told NutraIngredients.com that she believes Prim...

Weight Loss Diets - A Review Of 4 Popular Diets
There are a number of diets available, but here I review four which are popular at the moment. 1000 calorie diet Trying the 1000 calorie diet is only advisable for one week, due to your body entering starvation mode and...

The Gold Coast Cure
The Gold Coast Cure, by Andrew and Ivy Larsen, is based on the premise that various health problems can be alleviated with nutritional and exercise therapy. Current medical thinking considers such treatment as "alternative", often preferring prescription medication. There is however, ample evidence that correct nutrition can reduce many symptoms without the side effects that are common with most...

Low Fat Diet Debunked?
Bewilderment and confusion strikes again. The NY Times reports that a low-fat diet has no effect on reducing cancer and heart disease risk. The study is the largest ever conducted (49,000 women followed for 8 years). The results, the study investigators agreed, do not justify recommending low-fat diets to the public to reduce their heart disease and cancer risk. Given...

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