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Friday, April 28, 2006 

Eating Less and Often: Does It Help Control Weight?

Eating Less and Often: Does It Help Control Weight?
To control weight, eating smaller, more frequent meals than the standard three meals a day may actually help to lose weight.

Take good care of yourself!


Shopping and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Shopping and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
Don't you wish there was an easy-to-follow practical primer to tell you all the things you should and shouldn't do to help you lose weight? I'm not talking about food choices here - there are dozens of eating plans available....

Take good care of yourself!


Low-carb craze leads to health awareness

Low-carb craze leads to health awareness
The recent low-carb craze, although on its last legs, has led many people to be more concerned about the foods they eat. Be sure to read the related article, Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated "most ridiculous low-carb product" on the market.

Take good care of yourself!

Thursday, April 27, 2006 

Research Links Metabolism and Appetite Suppression

Research Links Metabolism and Appetite Suppression
Opening door to obesity treatments.

Take good care of yourself!


A High Caloric Diet May Prevent The Progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

A High Caloric Diet May Prevent The Progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
This is the first study showing that diet, specifically a high caloric ketogenic diet, may slow the progression of the clinical and biological manifestations of ALS in a mouse model.

Take good care of yourself!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 

More dieters ditch carb counting

More dieters ditch carb counting
More dieters are ditching carb counting and biting into baguettes with gusto these days and returning to old tried an true diet programs like Weight Watchers. Related articles on this topic are also available on the NewsTarget Network, including: The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements...

Take good care of yourself!


Shopping and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Shopping and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
Don't you wish there was an easy-to-follow practical primer to tell you all the things you should and shouldn't do to help you lose weight? I'm not talking about food choices here - there are dozens of eating plans available....

Take good care of yourself!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 

Is My Diet Deductible?

Is My Diet Deductible?
Dieting can be expensive, especially if you join a weight loss program or purchase special foods. As of April 2002, the Internal Revenue Service recognized some weight loss expenses as tax deductible under medical expenses. According to that ruling, "...Uncompensated...

Take good care of yourself!

Sunday, April 23, 2006 

Spring is Here! Walk for Health!

The weather is so nice now. If you want to lose weight why not go out for a stroll for an hour or so every day and enjoy all the spring flowers.

If you enjoy doing something you're far more likely to keep on doing it.

So what are you waiting for? Call up a friend and get fit together!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 

Would having your own blog help you lose weight?

I came across this site mydietblogger.com where you can have a blog just for your weight loss goals (for free of course)
I think it could likely help you focus on losing weight to make a post about it every day.

Monday, April 17, 2006 

Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting

Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting
Although low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fading in popularity, one of their underlying concepts is gaining new currency among dieters: the glycemic index, a ranking of a food's carbohydrates from 0 to 100 based on how they affect blood sugar levels. Dieters can use...

Take good care of yourself!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 

Want To Lose Weight? Exercise!

One of the worst assaults on our bodies has been the self-imposed low-calorie diet. This has never seemed to be a very good idea, and recent research supports the notion that such diets can be harmful as well as ineffective.

Monday, April 10, 2006 

Too many calories and not enough nutrients,

Most Americans consume too many calories and not enough nutrients, according to the latest revision to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Currently, the typical American diet is low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar. As a result, more Americans than ever are overweight, obese, and at increased risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006 

Low-carb fad may be dying, new report shows

Low-carb fad may be dying, new report shows
The low-carbohydrate lifestyle popularized by the Atkins, South Beach and other similar diets may be a dying fad, a new report indicates.In February of 2004, about 9.1 percent of the American population was on some sort of low-carbohydrate diet, a New York marketing firm reports. And a year later, only...

Take good care of yourself!

Monday, April 03, 2006 

Vegetarian Diets Cause Major Weight Loss

Vegetarian Diets Cause Major Weight Loss
Controlled research trials prove vegerarian diet's efficacy.

Take good care of yourself!

Sunday, April 02, 2006 

5 Foods for Weight Loss

Befor weight loss can happen, maintaining a healthy digestive system is essential. Keeping that tummy happy is easy. You just have to eat these five kinds of food, and your stomach is in for a treat. For starters, consume red beets and beet greens.These aids in the proper removal of wastes. Eat potatoes. These are good sources of dietary fiber, cabohydrates, and Vitamins B6 and C. Take avocados. This is another good source of fiber. Its easy to digest and has healthy raw fat. Get some oats. You need your daily dose of soluble fiber plus folate and Vitamin E for the skin. Lastly, have some cod liver oil. This is give the Vitamin A essential to your digestive tract. With this five food taken in regularly, you sure are on your way to shed off those pounds.


Go Diet, But Don't Skip Breakfast

If you are planning to lose weight, do it by all means, but do not skip breakfast. The old saying still holds; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gives you the energy and keeps your metabolism going. If you miss breakfast, you are more likely to get too hungry through out the day, thus you will tend to overeat. If this happens, well, all those dieting will be for nothing. Perk up your muscles and avoid oversleeping. Wake in time for breakfast. Eat a healthy meal. If you plan on pancakes, get it without syrup. You are then sure to start your weight loss planning the right way. Eating a health breakfast is the perfect way to start your day right.

Saturday, April 01, 2006 

Start Small and Lose Weight

Losing weight has always been everyone’s biggest problem, I am no exception. Although losing weight can be done in so many ways, I prefer the natural way of losing weight. Diet. Surgical procedures frighten me, plus it cost an incredible amount. I tried looking for the best diet plan for me. Dieting has to be done the right way. In fact, dieting can be dangerous if not done properly. It is not enough to starve yourself. You can start a healthy diet by checking what you eat. Cut out soda from your diet. Instead, drink a lot of water. Eat only healthy, natural food, and stop eating when full. Start small. Do not make drastic changes as it disrupts your body metabolism. Following these simple points is a good start in making a healthy diet.


Take Good Care of Yourself