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Friday, March 31, 2006 

Chair-Free Weight Loss

Chair-Free Weight Loss
New research shows that when school pupils spend an average of five hours a day standing - they burn up to three times as many calories as sitting down. Is this some kind of punishment - like standing in the corner with the dunce cap on? These are the results of a study that are convincing some schools in the...

Take good care of yourself!

Thursday, March 30, 2006 

Easy Exercises For Losing Weight

It has been said and done that exercising will lead to weight loss. But we all know it is a long and tedious process. I have been exercising on and off because of the strain exercising gives my body. And as expected, there is no definitive result. It was just recently that I found out the idea behind exercising. In order to burn fat through exercise, continuous smooth strokes or movements are necessary. It can be any smooth motion and doesn't have to be strenuous on the body. Oxygen is important to fat burning so breathing slightly deeper than usual helps. Push for steady movements while breathing deeply. Do it regularly for best results. And you should never ever hold your breath while exercising. These simple steps are not all strenuous. It doesn’t take a lot of effort at all. Just do them regularly and you’ll gain enough stamina to last the day, not to mention, lose some weight too.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

Drinking Water With True Lemon

Drinking Water With True Lemon
Every year consumers spend billions on flavored beverages. Yet nearly every one of us in the developed world has easy and cheap access to fresh water. Whether it's about taste, hip-ness, or sheer drinking pleasure - plain old water always ranks low. This week Culture Captioning sent me some samples of True Lemon ("Crystallized Lemon Substitute") and True Lime flavor...

Take good care of yourself!


Inequality in Recreational Resources Decreases Physical Activities, Boosts Weight Gain

Inequality in Recreational Resources Decreases Physical Activities, Boosts Weight Gain
Minorities are less physically active and are more likely to be overweight and obese.

Take good care of yourself!


Slow-carb diet most effective in weight loss and heart health, study says

Slow-carb diet most effective in weight loss and heart health, study says
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that a "slow-carb" diet focused on low-glycemic index foods is far more effective than a traditional low-carb, low-fat and low-calorie diet in losing weight and preventing heart disease. "Slow-carb" dieters were told to eat carbohydrates...

Take good care of yourself!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump
The Atkins diet, and the subsequent low-carb craze, slowed the nation's consumption of grains -- but the popularity of whole-grain foods seems to be changing that. The interest is spurred on by the Whole Grains Council's stamp, which shows which foods have whole grains. Some consumers are reluctant to...

Take good care of yourself!


Walking Your Way To Fitness

Walking Your Way To Fitness
Want to lose 35 pounds a year without changing a thing about your diet? All it takes is 10,000 steps. No, that's not a typo. Just 10,000 steps a day can burn enough calories to take off 35 pounds in...

Take good care of yourself!


Eat Fruits, Lose Weight

Losing weight can be done the natural way. This means there is no need for expensive drugs, complicated procedures, and costly equipments. You can start losing weight through proper diet. Yes, it all has been said and done but isn't effective. And it is not really nice to be starving yourself amidst hearty meals. But have you tried eating lots of fruits? Fruits aid in detoxification. Detoxification is the removal of toxins or waste products trapped in the body. It is the very substance that causes cellulites. Now if these are removed, weight loss will surely follow. You'll be sporting that slim healthy body in no time.

Monday, March 27, 2006 

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump
The Atkins diet, and the subsequent low-carb craze, slowed the nation's consumption of grains -- but the popularity of whole-grain foods seems to be changing that. The interest is spurred on by the Whole Grains Council's stamp, which shows which foods have whole grains. Some consumers are reluctant to...

Take good care of yourself!


Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting

Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting
Although low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fading in popularity, one of their underlying concepts is gaining new currency among dieters: the glycemic index, a ranking of a food's carbohydrates from 0 to 100 based on how they affect blood sugar levels. Dieters can use...

Take good care of yourself!

Sunday, March 26, 2006 

Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says

Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says
Trying to figure out why low-carbohydrate diets can be dramatically effective among obese people, researchers have found that carbohydrates tend to "stimulate excessive appetites." The Temple University scientists say they low-carb diets work so well because carbohydrates, for some still unknown reason...

Take good care of yourself!


Worst Weight Loss Products of 2004

Worst Weight Loss Products of 2004

Take good care of yourself!


Drinking Water With True Lemon

Drinking Water With True Lemon
Every year consumers spend billions on flavored beverages. Yet nearly every one of us in the developed world has easy and cheap access to fresh water. Whether it's about taste, hip-ness, or sheer drinking pleasure - plain old water always ranks low. This week Culture Captioning sent me some samples of True Lemon ("Crystallized Lemon Substitute") and True Lime flavor...

Take good care of yourself!

Thursday, March 23, 2006 

WEight loss tips

WEight loss tips
Snack on vegetables if you must. You might get the pangs of hunger in between meals. It is something that you can very well control. Or even better, try munching on carrots. They are an excellent way to satisfy those...

Take good care of yourself!


Florida YMCA official says low-carb diets are fads

Florida YMCA official says low-carb diets are fads
A recent article posted on South Carolina Headlines criticized a Florida YMCA official for making claims that low-carb diets and lifestyles actually worsen health and do not result in long-term weight loss. If you find this article interesting, be sure to also read 'Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated...

Take good care of yourself!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

Olive Oil and Breast Cancer - The Mediterranean Diet is Looking Better all the Time


Low-carb fad seems to be fading away; food banks getting donations of surplus diet food

Low-carb fad seems to be fading away; food banks getting donations of surplus diet food
Just last year, nearly every food product imaginable had a "low-carb" alternative, and shoppers were eating-up those products. But, almost as suddenly, as it came about, the low-carbohydrate fad seems to be fading fast. And now all those low-carb products are turning into un-eaten stockpiles that are...

Take good care of yourself!


Carbs stimulate excessive appetites; researchers say it could explain why low-carb diets work

Carbs stimulate excessive appetites; researchers say it could explain why low-carb diets work
Temple University researchers have unveiled the theory that low-carb diets work because carbohydrates stimulate the appetite, causing people to overeat. Dr. Guenther Boden, one of the researchers on the project, says that the message "is not to cut (carbs) out, but cut them down." He qualifies his...

Take good care of yourself!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Low glycemic index diets met with praise from healthcare professionals

Low glycemic index diets met with praise from healthcare professionals
Scientists have found that including one extra low glycemic index food per meal helps lower blood sugar, thereby slightly lowering the chances of diabetes. The British Dietetic Association warned of over reliance on the diet, since ice cream is also low on the glycemic index. A spokeswoman for the charity...

Take good care of yourself!


Lose A Little; It Helps A Lot

Lose A Little; It Helps A Lot
Moderate weight loss has received increasing attention as a strategy for those who are overweight or obese.

Take good care of yourself!

Monday, March 20, 2006 

Eat protein to feel full

Eat protein to feel full
A longtime secret of many low carb dieters has been brought into the mainstream: Eat proteins to feel full longer and have more energy. To learn more on this topic, be sure to also read the related article, The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements.

Take good care of yourself!


Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says

Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says
Trying to figure out why low-carbohydrate diets can be dramatically effective among obese people, researchers have found that carbohydrates tend to "stimulate excessive appetites." The Temple University scientists say they low-carb diets work so well because carbohydrates, for some still unknown reason...

Take good care of yourself!

Sunday, March 19, 2006 

Australian scientists find low-carb diet leads to permanent weight loss

Australian scientists find low-carb diet leads to permanent weight loss
A study released by two Australian scientists found that a low-carb, high-protein diet guaranteed permanent weight loss. Though the scientists called the popular Atkins diet a "fad," their findings supported the nutritional basics of the Atkins diet. The study, which the scientists completed in 2003...

Take good care of yourself!


Obesity Researchers Test Classroom of the Future

Obesity Researchers Test Classroom of the Future
Obesity among the young is a national epidemic according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Take good care of yourself!


Dangerous Weight Loss Methods

Dangerous Weight Loss Methods
Don't Even Try These Dangerous Weight Loss Methods? We're all looking for the magic bullet. You know - the one that we can take and lose weight without really trying! What would you give up to be skinny? How...

Take good care of yourself!


A Simple Exercise Program

A Simple Exercise Program
Instead of ignoring exercise altogether, here s a suggestion for integrating it into your busy schedule. Think of exercise like you think of a major task in the office. Break it up into tinier components. Instead of spending two hours in...

Take good care of yourself!


The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss

The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss
Weight Loss program advocates the cycling of dietary protein and carbohydrate intakes, combining natural healthy foods with a balanced lifestyle.

Take good care of yourself!


More dieters ditch carb counting

More dieters ditch carb counting
More dieters are ditching carb counting and biting into baguettes with gusto these days and returning to old tried an true diet programs like Weight Watchers. Related articles on this topic are also available on the NewsTarget Network, including: The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements...

Take good care of yourself!


Weight Loss - You Can't Believe Everything Your Read


Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump
The Atkins diet, and the subsequent low-carb craze, slowed the nation's consumption of grains -- but the popularity of whole-grain foods seems to be changing that. The interest is spurred on by the Whole Grains Council's stamp, which shows which foods have whole grains. Some consumers are reluctant to...

Take good care of yourself!


Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
This study proves that major weight loss is followed by an impressive reduction in risk factors for heart disease and a significant reduction in the use of medications for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Take good care of yourself!


Low-carb craze may not be dead yet

Low-carb craze may not be dead yet
Although trendy low-carb diets like the Atkins diet have died down in popularity as people have started to recognize cholesterol problems associated with the diet, the low-carb craze is not entirely dead; some Atkins-related diets such as the South Beach diet are still going strong and some speculate...

Take good care of yourself!


French researchers attempt to resolve questions about low-carb diets

French researchers attempt to resolve questions about low-carb diets
French researcher Gilles Mithieux has authored a study that affirms the weight loss benefits of a low-carb diet. If you find this article interesting, be sure to also read 'Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated "most ridiculous low-carb product" on the market.'

Take good care of yourself!


Plastic Fantastic: Even The Surgeons Are Faking It

Plastic Fantastic: Even The Surgeons Are Faking It
The Daily Mail reports that "A third of teenage girls who crave a better body believe plastic surgery is the answer". The research is hardly a 'study', but rather a reader survey carried out by vapid teen-girl mag Bliss. It's a bit like a blog site asking readers if they prefer blogs... Inaccuracies aside - it points to a growing...

Take good care of yourself!


Weight Loss Timing Is Everything

Weight Loss Timing Is Everything
Weight Loss Timing Is Everything - Part 1 When you're on the road to life-long fitness, the two most critical variables to control are exercise and nutrition. Some fitness experts argue that true fitness is 50% regular exercise and 50%...

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Chocolate Diets Galore!

Chocolate Diets Galore!
Chocolate diets seem to be the current "thing". Everywhere you look, someone is touting the health benefits of chocolate. Perhaps not quite everywhere - Cadbury Schweppes are now sneaking their "Cadbury Thins" 100-calorie chocolate bar into the cosmetics section rather than the confectionery section. It's a clever marketing move inspired by research showing that women feel guilty about being...

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Special K Diet: Cereal for Weight Loss?

Special K Diet: Cereal for Weight Loss?
Over the last few months there has been a lot of cereal promotion going on. There are the Cereality restaurants. Kelloggs' Special K brand have been promoting their very own Special K Diet Challenge (for a number of years now). Not to be outdone, Kraft have "lose 10 pounds" emblazened on virtually the entire line of "Post" brand cereals (called...

Take good care of yourself!


Big Changes May be Easier than Little Ones

Big Changes May be Easier than Little Ones

Take good care of yourself!


More dieters ditch carb counting

More dieters ditch carb counting
More dieters are ditching carb counting and biting into baguettes with gusto these days and returning to old tried an true diet programs like Weight Watchers. Related articles on this topic are also available on the NewsTarget Network, including: The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements...

Take good care of yourself!


Donuts are low-carb, but still unhealthy

Donuts are low-carb, but still unhealthy
The Common Voice recently printed Jimmy Moore's blog, "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb," in which he states Americans sometimes use their low-carb diet to eat food that is still bad for them, the worst of which is the donut. Be sure to read the related article, Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated "most...

Take good care of yourself!

Saturday, March 18, 2006 

Being Underweight Poses Health Risks

Being Underweight Poses Health Risks
Unintentional weight loss could be caused by diseases, medications, psychological and social factors.

Take good care of yourself!


Low-carb craze leads to health awareness

Low-carb craze leads to health awareness
The recent low-carb craze, although on its last legs, has led many people to be more concerned about the foods they eat. Be sure to read the related article, Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated "most ridiculous low-carb product" on the market.

Take good care of yourself!


Do You Know Your Body Mass Index?

Do You Know Your Body Mass Index?
For some, the need to lose weight is clear. Those whose body weight places them into the obese or morbidly obese categories are well aware that they are carrying too many pounds. But what about the borderline overweight? Is...

Take good care of yourself!


Weight Loss Timing Is Everything

Weight Loss Timing Is Everything
Weight Loss Timing Is Everything - Part 1 When you're on the road to life-long fitness, the two most critical variables to control are exercise and nutrition. Some fitness experts argue that true fitness is 50% regular exercise and 50%...

Take good care of yourself!


Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes

Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes
Sugar and refined carbohydrates are undeniably linked to diabetes. Researchers around the world have come to the conclusion that the consumption of refined sugar is detrimental to the health of people without diabetes and disastrous for those with it. Furthermore, excess sugar in the blood can cause...

Take good care of yourself!


Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump

Whole-grain trend may re-energize grain industry after low-carb induced slump
The Atkins diet, and the subsequent low-carb craze, slowed the nation's consumption of grains -- but the popularity of whole-grain foods seems to be changing that. The interest is spurred on by the Whole Grains Council's stamp, which shows which foods have whole grains. Some consumers are reluctant to...

Take good care of yourself!


Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting

Glycemic index may be next trend in dieting
Although low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fading in popularity, one of their underlying concepts is gaining new currency among dieters: the glycemic index, a ranking of a food's carbohydrates from 0 to 100 based on how they affect blood sugar levels. Dieters can use...

Take good care of yourself!


Study Of Obese Diabetics Explains Why Low-Carb Diets Produce Fast Results (Press Release)

Study Of Obese Diabetics Explains Why Low-Carb Diets Produce Fast Results (Press Release)
A new study by Temple University School of Medicine researchers has shown why the pounds melt so quickly on low-carbohydrate diets, and it's not related to water, metabolism or boredom. The research was conducted in a group of obese patients with type 2 diabetes who followed the Atkins diet. According...

Take good care of yourself!


Fitness for Busy People

Fitness for Busy People
Fitness for Busy People by Actabit Weight Loss Journal Does your day begin early in the morning and end late at night? There is so much to do, and so little time for fitness and exercises. Is there a way...

Take good care of yourself!


Olive Oil and Breast Cancer - The Mediterranean Diet is Looking Better all the Time


Low-carb craze may not be dead yet

Low-carb craze may not be dead yet
Although trendy low-carb diets like the Atkins diet have died down in popularity as people have started to recognize cholesterol problems associated with the diet, the low-carb craze is not entirely dead; some Atkins-related diets such as the South Beach diet are still going strong and some speculate...

Take good care of yourself!


Herbalist draws fire from low-carb diet supporters

Herbalist draws fire from low-carb diet supporters
Herbalist Gina Lindhart, with her assertions about the toxicity of low carb diets still lingering in the blogosphere, has drawn the ire of low-carb dieters like Jimmy Moore, who takes Lindhart to task over several assumptions made in her Hurricane Valley Journal article. Related articles on this topic...

Take good care of yourself!


The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss

The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss
Weight Loss program advocates the cycling of dietary protein and carbohydrate intakes, combining natural healthy foods with a balanced lifestyle.

Take good care of yourself!


Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Bariatric Surgery May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
This study proves that major weight loss is followed by an impressive reduction in risk factors for heart disease and a significant reduction in the use of medications for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Take good care of yourself!


Slow-carb diet most effective in weight loss and heart health, study says

Slow-carb diet most effective in weight loss and heart health, study says
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that a "slow-carb" diet focused on low-glycemic index foods is far more effective than a traditional low-carb, low-fat and low-calorie diet in losing weight and preventing heart disease. "Slow-carb" dieters were told to eat carbohydrates...

Take good care of yourself!


Happy New Year - Out with Atkins, in with Natural Health


Coffee and Sugar - How They Work Together To Make You Fat


Fitness Challenge: Board Game

Fitness Challenge: Board Game
When I saw mention of the Fitness Challenge board game - my first thoughts were "how do you get fit playing a board game?" The game is more of a motivational tool than a "sit down and roll-the-dice" game. Game rules are designed to motivate you to exercise at least three days a week, every week, for eight weeks....

Take good care of yourself!


10 Diets That Work

10 Diets That Work
Forbes magazine has a health feature describing the ten diets that work. From the article we can presume that a "working" diet is one that causes weight loss. I would add that a working diet is one that leads to optimum health. Their list is paradoxical but useful. You'll see why:...

Take good care of yourself!


The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss

The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss
Weight Loss program advocates the cycling of dietary protein and carbohydrate intakes, combining natural healthy foods with a balanced lifestyle.

Take good care of yourself!


Low glycemic index diets met with praise from healthcare professionals

Low glycemic index diets met with praise from healthcare professionals
Scientists have found that including one extra low glycemic index food per meal helps lower blood sugar, thereby slightly lowering the chances of diabetes. The British Dietetic Association warned of over reliance on the diet, since ice cream is also low on the glycemic index. A spokeswoman for the charity...

Take good care of yourself!


Happy New Year - Out with Atkins, in with Natural Health


10 Diets That Work

10 Diets That Work
Forbes magazine has a health feature describing the ten diets that work. From the article we can presume that a "working" diet is one that causes weight loss. I would add that a working diet is one that leads to optimum health. Their list is paradoxical but useful. You'll see why:...

Take good care of yourself!


Ten Tips to Cut Back the Fat

Ten Tips to Cut Back the Fat
Weight loss fads come and go, but limiting fat in your diet, particularly saturated fat and trans fat, is one of the most important diet changes most people can make for optimum health.

Take good care of yourself!


Coffee and Sugar - How They Work Together To Make You Fat


Carbs stimulate excessive appetites; researchers say it could explain why low-carb diets work

Carbs stimulate excessive appetites; researchers say it could explain why low-carb diets work
Temple University researchers have unveiled the theory that low-carb diets work because carbohydrates stimulate the appetite, causing people to overeat. Dr. Guenther Boden, one of the researchers on the project, says that the message "is not to cut (carbs) out, but cut them down." He qualifies his...

Take good care of yourself!


Special K Diet: Cereal for Weight Loss?

Special K Diet: Cereal for Weight Loss?
Over the last few months there has been a lot of cereal promotion going on. There are the Cereality restaurants. Kelloggs' Special K brand have been promoting their very own Special K Diet Challenge (for a number of years now). Not to be outdone, Kraft have "lose 10 pounds" emblazened on virtually the entire line of "Post" brand cereals (called...

Take good care of yourself!


Columnist urges caution with low-carb craze

Columnist urges caution with low-carb craze
A columnist for commonvoice.com urges consumers who are interested in trying a low-carb diet to disregard the media hype about fads like the Atkins diet and be cautious about advertisers selling "low-carb" foods, since many of these foods might not really be the best for your health. Related articles...

Take good care of yourself!


Florida YMCA official says low-carb diets are fads

Florida YMCA official says low-carb diets are fads
A recent article posted on South Carolina Headlines criticized a Florida YMCA official for making claims that low-carb diets and lifestyles actually worsen health and do not result in long-term weight loss. If you find this article interesting, be sure to also read 'Low-carb Oreo cookies from Kraft designated...

Take good care of yourself!


Weight loss secrets

Weight loss secrets
1. Sleep Does sleep really affect health? You bet it does. During sleep, your body is resting and recovering from all the work is has done throughout the day. Your serotonin levels are brought back in line, your muscles relax,...

Take good care of yourself!


Low-carb craze may not be dead yet

Low-carb craze may not be dead yet
Although trendy low-carb diets like the Atkins diet have died down in popularity as people have started to recognize cholesterol problems associated with the diet, the low-carb craze is not entirely dead; some Atkins-related diets such as the South Beach diet are still going strong and some speculate...

Take good care of yourself!


The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss

The Balanced and Natural Alternative for Rapid Fat Loss
Weight Loss program advocates the cycling of dietary protein and carbohydrate intakes, combining natural healthy foods with a balanced lifestyle.

Take good care of yourself!

Friday, March 17, 2006 

Being Underweight Poses Health Risks

Being Underweight Poses Health Risks
Unintentional weight loss could be caused by diseases, medications, psychological and social factors.

Take good care of yourself!


How to (not!) get fat in five easy steps

How to (not!) get fat in five easy steps
You may think it's strange to find a "How-To" article focusing on five easy steps for adding fat to your body. You might say that we already know how to do that: two thirds of the people in the United States are overweight and one third are considered clinically obese. Obviously we've mastered this topic...

Take good care of yourself!


Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes

Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes
Sugar and refined carbohydrates are undeniably linked to diabetes. Researchers around the world have come to the conclusion that the consumption of refined sugar is detrimental to the health of people without diabetes and disastrous for those with it. Furthermore, excess sugar in the blood can cause...

Take good care of yourself!


Low-carb diet leads to fastest weight loss among obese women, study says

Low-carb diet leads to fastest weight loss among obese women, study says
Obese women who follow a low-carbohydrate diet may lose twice as much weight in six months as those who go on a low-fat plan, a new study reports. But the reason for the low-carb craze's dramatically better results is still not clear, the researchers say. Previous studies had suggested that low-carbohydrate...

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Low-carb fad may be dying, new report shows

Low-carb fad may be dying, new report shows
The low-carbohydrate lifestyle popularized by the Atkins, South Beach and other similar diets may be a dying fad, a new report indicates.In February of 2004, about 9.1 percent of the American population was on some sort of low-carbohydrate diet, a New York marketing firm reports. And a year later, only...

Take good care of yourself!


How to (not!) get fat in five easy steps

How to (not!) get fat in five easy steps
You may think it's strange to find a "How-To" article focusing on five easy steps for adding fat to your body. You might say that we already know how to do that: two thirds of the people in the United States are overweight and one third are considered clinically obese. Obviously we've mastered this topic...

Take good care of yourself!


Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says

Carbohydrates lead to weight gain because they 'stimulate excessive appetites,' new study says
Trying to figure out why low-carbohydrate diets can be dramatically effective among obese people, researchers have found that carbohydrates tend to "stimulate excessive appetites." The Temple University scientists say they low-carb diets work so well because carbohydrates, for some still unknown reason...

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Mega Gyms: Do You Use One?

Mega Gyms: Do You Use One?
The trend of "big-box" retailers continues unabated. These are the huge outlets - so huge that you almost need a personal guide just to find your way around. Now we have the mega gyms. Life Time Fitness Inc., is planning to build another 110,600 square foot health and fitness club (to add the 48 centers they already have). The center...

Take good care of yourself!


A Simple Exercise Program

A Simple Exercise Program
Instead of ignoring exercise altogether, here s a suggestion for integrating it into your busy schedule. Think of exercise like you think of a major task in the office. Break it up into tinier components. Instead of spending two hours in...

Take good care of yourself!


Healthy Diets Rich in Protein and Good Fat and Lower in Carbs Linked to Better Heart Health

Healthy Diets Rich in Protein and Good Fat and Lower in Carbs Linked to Better Heart Health
A healthy diet that replaces some carbohydrates with either protein or monounsaturated fat can substantially reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Take good care of yourself!


Modified Atkins Diet Effectively Treats Childhood Seizures

Modified Atkins Diet Effectively Treats Childhood Seizures
A modified version of a popular low carbohydrate, high fat diet is nearly as effective at controlling seizures as the highly restrictive ketogenic diet.

Take good care of yourself!


3 Apple a Day Diet - Does it Work?

3 Apple a Day Diet - Does it Work?

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Old School Weight Loss

Old School Weight Loss
This picture is like a historical equivalent of Curves for Women. Can anyone remember those gadgets?...

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Eat protein to feel full

Eat protein to feel full
A longtime secret of many low carb dieters has been brought into the mainstream: Eat proteins to feel full longer and have more energy. To learn more on this topic, be sure to also read the related article, The Atkins Diet Food Guide Pyramid, Part 6: Health Improvements.

Take good care of yourself!


Diets For Kids

Diets For Kids
Kids and the word "dieting" should never be used in the same sentence. Yes, childhood obesity is a real issue that must be addressed - but I can't help cringing when I hear talk of putting a child "on a diet". Is your child's weight problem real or imagined? At what level does extra body fat become a health issue?...

Take good care of yourself!


Take Good Care of Yourself